Lenses that are “denser” and much thinner. These are extremely appealing to those wearing strong corrections. Why? There are two aspects about lenses that correct for near and farsightedness. The lens material and the curve. The greater the curve, the greater the edge thickness, which is cosmetically displeasing to people who wear strong corrections. This is what one sees with a regular plastic lens. Glass is denser than plastic and therefore thinner with less of an edge. However, glass is very heavy and uncomfortable. In recent years, technology has seen the development for other types of plastics such as polycarbonate. This is a type of “high index” lens that is extremely light, much thinner, and with a thin edge. People with strong prescriptions find these lenses very appealing because there isn’t nearly as much cosmetic distortion as with regular lenses. Their eyes do not look artifically big or small, and their face looks more porportioned. Coupled with a feather weight frame, high index lenses have revolutioned the way people think about eyeglasses and fashion.
High Index Lenses